Does AI Content Rank On Google? How Should You Use it?

Junaid Raza

If you are planning to use AI tools for your SEO campaigns, and are curious whether AI content ranks on Google or not, then it’s a no-brainer that AI content ranks perfectly well on Google.

Dozens of websites get thousands of visitors a month from Google with AI generate content. Writing tools have been so advanced that you can’t judge if it’s human-written or not.

Especially after ChatGPT, Google has also become more flexible with AI content. They changed their guidelines, and have also introduced Bard as a rival to compete in this industry.

Here is what now Google says about AI content.

Appropriate use of AI or automation is not against our guidelines.

Google search and AI content

So the real question is how you can use automation and AI to create valuable and helpful content.

There are many ways you can use AI and automation to assist you in your writing campaigns.

The two among those discussed below are pretty obvious and can be used in any of your writing campaigns without going against Google guidelines.

Unfortunately, many bloggers and SEO agencies are using AI tools to create creepy content. They have started a new war against Google search. It will ultimately make AI content less valuable and won’t work in the long run.

So the best and long term is to use AI to create valuable content and win the race in the longer run. Never create junk that might work today but will vanish on the next Google core update.

Here is how you can take the best from content creation tools.

Note: I don’t use AI tools to create content for my campaigns. I only use it to take some topic ideas.

Create AI content that ranks on Google.

AI has always been helping businesses for decades. In fact, its primary goal of AI. So AI content creators are just an addition to that primary goal.

Google now understands that AI can assist writers to create valuable content. So if you use AI to create useful content, Google won’t penalize you.

The only thing you need is to use it for a meaningful purpose and don’t spam the web.

Here is how you can use it to create available assets.

Use AI as your writing assistant

It’s pretty obvious that you can use free AI tools like ChatGPT and Bard as your writing assistant.

For instance, with appropriate instructions and real data, you can use AI to create useful content. You can also create outlines, generate topic ideas, summarize your content, and write content around your content briefs.

In this way, AI tools save you time to write incredible content in any tone.

As AI tools have many tones and writing styles, you can ask the AI tools to write in any tone, style, or grade.

For instance, you wrote something and you can use AI to change the wiring style, and tone and add jargon. You can get tons of copies until you are satisfied.

Write simple topics with AI content generators

Here is the other best way to use AI to create content that Google loves and ranks. So you would never be fearful of getting penalized by any Google core update.

As I said earlier, you can use AI tools to write content around the given data. Now understand it another way.

Many writing tools like ChatGPT and Bard already have data around almost all the topics. If you could use their data, you can write topics that are pretty obvious and straightforward.

Think of topics that don’t require any real-time experience like sharing reviews.

For instance, if someone wants to know to how to create a business page on Facebook, it’s a no-brainer. Your AI tools already have data about creating a business page on Facebook, so they will easily do that for you.

Here is the answer when I asked ChatGPT about creating a Facebook business page.

chatgpt answer about creating facbook business page
ChatGPT Screenshot

If you could optimize your content to make it SEO friendly and could add the right LSI keywords, additionally if your link-building campaigns went well, you will definitely rank on Google for your head terms.

Here is how you can search such topics with high search volume and less keyword difficulty.

For instance, I searched the term “Create profile” on Semrush, and here are the keyword variations.

semrush search with term create profiles
Semrush Screenshot

As you can see that these are very simple topics. Anyone can create content around these topics without expertise.

If you chose such topics, such AI content will be valuable and would rank on Google.

But the problem you might face in the long run is that Google might integrate Bard in search results and such topics might lose clicks in SERPs.

For instance, if someone searches for how to create a profile on Snapchat, you might be at featured snippets, but if Google is presenting every step in the featured snippet results, it will be useless to target such keywords.

So the wisest way is to use AI tools as your writing assistant with your own research and data rather than creating this kind of content that might get obsolete over time.

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