Blogging Is Not Saturated And Never Fails If Done Properly

As you read the title, you might be thinking that I want to mislead you. You might already know that there are over 600 million blogs in the world. Thus blogging market is too saturated, and blogging is hard now.

You are right.

Then how can I say that blogging is not saturated, and you will win the race?

Don’t worry. I will explain briefly how blogging won’t be saturated for you and you won’t fail in any blogging niche.

I have even succeeded in very tough niches like YMYL (your money your life) niches with the exact same method I am going to share with you right here.

After becoming a complete failure in blogging but never quitting, I got the formula to run a successful blog even in the saturated market. I have applied the same formula for tons of blogs and succeeded all the time.

Yes, all the time.

If you follow the same strategy, you will never fail, no matter how saturated the market is. The reason is that in the formula you find the unsaturated space for your blogging where you have no competition, so you win easily.

To understand my strategy and follow it, the first step is to unlearn what you already know. For a while, unlearn the saturated market, competitors, search volume, and tough blogging strategies.

Let’s think differently.

There is always a space in blogging where there is no competition. If you find that space, you always win.

Let’s start with a fact.

It’s confirmed by Google that they see 15% to 20% of new searches every day.

It means there are at least 15% of queries that are never seen and hence never discussed.

So even if you start today, you have a great opportunity to focus on those new keywords and become a successful blogger even in the saturated market.

Let me break it down for you, so that you could easily follow to be a successful blogger.

Here is how blogging is never saturated and never fails.

Choose the right blogging niche

The first step to successful blogging is choosing the right niche.

If you didn’t start the right blog, you will never succeed. At least, you would never scale your business to the next level.

There comes a time when you want to scale your blog, and it only happens if you are passionate about your blog niche.

So if you don’t want your blog to fail. Think for a while. Which niche will be perfect for you even for the next decades?

For instance, if you are a traveler, and you are not going to stop, the perfect niche for you is traveling. For women, food, kitchen, beauty, home decoration, baby care, and homeschooling niches can be great to start.

The biggest reason to choose your passion as your career is that it never lets you down.

For instance, in the first 4 to 8 months when you might not see any income, you won’t be disappointed. You won’t quit. Because you are enjoying what you are doing.

The second reason to choose your passion as your blogging niche is even more considerable.

If you are truly experiencing something, you know what are the actual problems and you can better solve them.

For instance, if you are in the traveling niche but you never traveled, you don’t know what are the biggest issues travelers usually suffer from. How can you help them solve their problems?

I chose business blogging because I am in business, and I keep noticing the issues I face for my business, I solve the problems and then speak my mind on Sturdy Business.

For example, I was a complete failure in blogging when I started blogging a decade ago. I had no idea how people make money from it. Why many big sites are focusing on keywords with almost no search volume (predicted by search tools)?

Once I learned SEO and researched a lot, I found my mistakes, avoided those mistakes, and never failed in blogging again.

People keep telling you to not get into YMYL niches. I have even worked in YMYL niches many times with the same strategy. The strategy helped me rank even newer content faster on Google.

The reason is that I have realized that nowadays Google ranks content differently. They are weighing more on search intent, with LSI keywords you can survive in any niche.

Invest time and money (the higher the better)

Once you are clear about your niche, the next step is to build a beautiful blog.

You can even start your blogging with $1. Usually, free blogs take more effort to make money. If you want to get started for free or with $1 you choose Thus blogging becomes hard because you get no assistance on

If you are on WordPress, you get many free and some paid plugins that make your blogging pretty easy, and successful.

Here is how your WordPress blog is more likely to be successful.

  • Design: Your website design and site structure is important for the visitors, and hence for search engines too. On WP you have more control over website design. You can make it as much beautiful as you want to.
  • Site Structure: WordPress gives you full control over your theme. You can make all the changes easily. It leads you to get a beautiful and easy-to-navigate site structure.
  • Site Speed: The blog’s speed matters a lot. It’s one of the over 200 ranking factors. On a WordPress blog, you use your fast hosting, and it speeds up the blog.
  • OnPage SEO: SEO is one of the pillars of successful blogging. There are tons of free plugins which help you make improve your on-page SEO, and hence rank higher on Google.

Many times it requires some extra investments.

I use many premium plugins to speed up my pages and keep them clean.

Here are some of the important plugins I use. Some are free, and some are paid.

  • AffiliateBooster Blocks (paid)
  • Anti-Spam by CleanTalk (Pro)
  • Autoptimize
  • Easy Table of Contents
  • Imagify (free up to a limit)
  • Loginizer
  • Rank Math SEO
  • RapidLoad Power-Up for Auto (paid)
  • Really Simple SSL (free)
  • Structured Content
  • WP Rocket (Pro)

You might also need all of these plugins in your successful blogging journey.

AffiliateBooster is used in Amazon affiliate blogging. Although people have some free alternatives to this plugin. I had purchased a blog a year ago, and it had a free alternative to AffiliateBooster (I don’t remember the name, atm).

If you want to save some bucks, you might find free alternatives to all of the premium plugins.

Once your blog is ready, you can move forward to the next step.

Follow one successful blogger

If you don’t want to quit on something, learn to do it the right way.

– Junaid Raza

Once beginners want to start blogging. In the early days, they know nothing, so they make a lot of mistakes. Once they are familiar with a few things. They understand blogging a little bit. They start dreaming of huge money. They start calculating CRM, CPC, earnings, and time to reach the goal.

I know all that because I have done all this for years. And got nothing in return.

Look, nothing is easy, and there is no shortcut to success. If you want to succeed in something, the best way is to follow one successful person.

You basic knowledge you attained from YouTube won’t help out in the competitive market. You need a mentor – a successful blogger.

Be learned, be a good follower.

Once you achieve some success and you understand many things about the field, you should start thinking in your way.

Otherwise, you will make huge mistakes and waste your time.

As I said follow only one successful person you believe in. If you will listen to this and that, you will get confused, and won’t win easily.

If you have many successful mentors in your niche. Figure out who is sincere with the audience, and is easy to follow?

Follow your mentor by heart.

Find untapped keywords

This step is a blessing for beginners.

Let me summarize successful blogging for beginners.

Finding untapped keywords, creating valuable content on those keywords, and keeping publishing is the shortcut to successful blogging in an oversaturated market.

Among all the steps, finding untapped keywords is at the top. If you want to win in the saturated market, you should focus on extremely low competition keywords.

Untapped keywords don’t have high search volumes. But for high search volumes and competitive keywords, your new site will never win.

The reason is that you have no authority, your articles have no backlinks and your pages are new.

I had tried to compete with Neil Patel, Brian Dean, Semrush, and many other giants for a keyword. The keyword had a very sound volume, it took me months to reach the second page, and I quit.

It was way much better if I had focused on 50 extremely low competition keywords rather than that single competitive keyword. At least I had ranked for all those keywords with the same efforts I asserted to rank for a competitive keyword.

This lesson changed my approach to blogging.

We can attain the same results with untapped keywords with the same efforts. Why not choose this way?

There are many bloggers who teach you to find long-tail extremely low-competition keywords.

I have also shared a complete guide to finding untapped keywords for a successful blogging journey.

Once you have a sound list of untapped keywords, start creating valuable content.

Create valuable content

Content is valuable if it can solve someone’s problem accurately. That’s what Google wants you to do.

You can only share valuable content if you know your audience. If you truly understand them.

For instance, I know your feelings. You are passionate about blogging because you want to make money from it. You believe that it’s possible to make money, but you don’t know how. You are afraid that you might fail or at least it will take a lot of time to be a successful blogger. Right?

I know it because I do remember my feelings when I was looking for solutions to become a successful blogger.

As for now, I have the solution that’s why I am sharing it with you.

So once you are on your blog, be loyal and find the best possible ways to solve others’ problems. It can only happen if you devote yourself to your niche.

Can you?

Once you are done here, the next 3 steps help you build authority.

Internally link blog posts the right way

For successful blogging, internal linking matters a lot.

If your blog isn’t already huge, don’t use plugins for your internal linking. Manually do it.

Here is how to do internal linking.

Link only if you truly believe that the webpage you are linking will get a click by at least one user. It means it’s valuable for the blog post and the user.

If you are linking a pet care blog with your beauty product review article, it won’t help.

Build links and social signals

Once a few of your articles are published, you should prioritize marketing.

I always start with social media marketing strategies. I create profiles on the top 50 social sites and share my early articles on all of them.

Secondly, I try to get some valuable backlinks from forums and guest postings. I always prefer 10 easy link-building strategies because I strongly believe that Google is more concerned with the quality of content. If your content is valuable, the rest won’t matter.

It doesn’t mean that you should not prefer link building. Link building has a direct relation with the rankings. It makes you rank easier, and secure permanent positions on the first page of Google.

But, keep in mind, that over 65% of the web pages on Google don’t have even a single backlink. That’s why it should never be your top priority.

Be patient because it matters the most

If you want to know why most bloggers fail, here are the top two reasons most bloggers fail.

  • They don’t learn it.
  • They are in a hurry.

If you don’t want to fail or quit, follow whatever we have discussed above and be patient.

Many new bloggers who join blogging, get fed up in the early months. The exhausted bloggers keep searching, is blogging dead? Is blogging still relevant? Or is blogging oversaturated?

Basically, blogging failure is not a matter of saturation or competition, it takes time and requires the right way.

If you do it the right way, you will never fail.

Here is how we can summarize it.

Blogging is never saturated because there are always new searches on Google. Blogging won’t fail if you do it appropriately. And blogging is never dead because many topics are not relevant to YouTube or Instagram.